Thursday, February 15, 2007

Awesome Character sharing site.

I discovered an awesome site for sharing what gear, stats, reputation you have with others.

It has a list of alot of items, including expansion, which you can equip to show you what your current stats are. You create an account, then simply select the spot you desire to add armour/gear to, select what you have in that slot (has a long list, clicking on one shows the stats).

I found this website and created an account straight away, took less than 15 mins. That included trying to remember what gear I had (thottbot helped alot with quest rewards), since I was away from a computer with WoW (argh, the perils of work.)

Here is what I have.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentines Day <3

It is the day of love (as far as Hallmark is concerned). People everywhere are getting/giving chocolates, flowers, cards, soft toys, dinner. The list goes on. I just want to say a big I LOVE YOU to my girlfriend, Bindi. I may have to work, but that doesn't mean that I still can't spoil you. <3

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

So angry!

With Oscar fever in full swing, I decided to watch a bunch of movies that were nominated for various categories. There were some great movies, some good movies, and some movies that just make me so mad. I want to talk about the latter, a documentry. Jesus Camp. This is about a group of kids going to Jesus Camp, a camp run by a (somewhat insane) lady for conservative christians. It is worth a watch, simply to see how fanatical people can be. Not to give too much away, but at the camp they seem to do some normal camp things, go-karting etc, while also doing extreme things, like getting kids to smash cups (with hammers) with the word government on them, as well as shaking and speaking in tongues. It is quite disturbing to see the adults do to the children. It can easily be described as brainwashing.

It shows not only the adults but also the kids perspective, which shows the result of the years of training by the adults. With debunking of science (global warming), displays of anti-government, the list goes on. This movie makes me angry, made my friends angry, as it should. Some people may say that it only shows the bad bits, that it is biased. There are some cleaver shots that seem to suggest that. However, the woman running the camp saw the movie before it was released at thought that it was great, that it was an accurate representation of her faith.

One last thing to remember. These conservative christians believe that god created us, that we didn't evolve. That is fine, I respect that, there are many things I believe that others don't. One reason I have heard them say against evolution is that if we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys (aside from the fact that everything evolved from the same single-celled creatures, so only humans would exist under their reasoning). They just make me mad.

P.S. If you're anything like me, you will feel like sinning, ALOT, after seeing this movie. Keep that in mind and maybe have a way of sinning handy at the end.

Friday, February 9, 2007

More PS1 games on PSP

One of the most exciting features of the PSP, for me atleast, is the ability to play some great, clasic PS1 games on it. The downside is that you need a large memory stick (can't really get around that), as well as a PS3. That is the real killer. A $1000AU purchase just to play old games on a great handheld. Another thing is that only select games are available, and need to be downloaded. Why is this? Why not, since you need a PS3 anyway, allow users to put their legal PS1 games into the system and allow them to be copied to the PSP. Or, give a discount to the download prices for having the original. I don't know why, when I have an original PS1 game infront of me that I have to pay for it again, just to play on my new system.

Sony, I love your systems, please treat them, and their users, properly. We are your customers, without us there would be now PSP or PS3. If you don't fix this, there may not be a PS4.