Tuesday, January 9, 2007

First Post

Well, this be the first post of this here new (and first) blog of mine... what to say, what to say. Hmm... Maybe a little about myself to let everyone know what I'm interested in and could, probably will, post about in the future.

First off, I am a gamer, a long time gamer, longer than prehaps my age would suggest.

I am 21 year old and I have been playing video games for as long as I can remember. The earliest memory I have of a video game was playing the atari 2600 that my big brother had. That made a few trips around but eventually came back to our family, and is still with it today. Early on we got a Sega Mega Drive II, from memory. That, too, is floating around my brothers house somewhere. The first game on the PC I remember really getting into was Half-Life. This was when I was in early high-school, about 14 from memory. There were games before that, but that was the first one that really, and I mean REALLY, grabbed my attention and made me say, "HELLO WORLD, I AM A GAMER." Despite the horror from most of my friends, I am currently digging World of Warcraft, and at this stage, just 7 days from the release of the expansion (The Burning Crusade), I have almost got a level 60, but more on that later.

As far as consoles go, I am a fan of Sony and Nintendo, not so much Microsoft. I currently own a PS2, GameCube and a PSP. I have a range of games of each of these, with the GameCube being mostly party games for great multi-player action.

I also really enjoy movies and television, having a large collection of legally aquired DVD's of both. Another interest I have is wrestling, so expect all that to be mentioned here in this blog.

Anyway, I also attend University, 3/5 of the way through a Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Science. I am majoring in Computer Systems/Computer Science.

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